First up - we want to give a massive thank you to the team at ALB Repairs LTD. They are a computer repair company based in Newton Abbot, Devon who have been using TechLogs in their work more or less from day one. Without their support, advice and patience, TechLogs Online would not have developed to the point that it has today.
What's This All About?
TechLogs Online uses a handful of resources that were created by third party developers. Using these allows us to increase the speed, reliability and ease of developement when we work to improve our systems, and makes sure that we can provide you with the service you deserve. In the name of efficiency, a lot of those scripts have been compressed to a point that the licenses and copyright notices that were originally stored within them have been modified as well. As a result of this, we'd like to use this page to keep a list of all of the projects we've included in TechLogs, and their license notices or disclaimers as they were originally downloaded by us.
On top of this, we'd like to give a massive thank you to the developers and content creators who put their time and effort into creating these tools and resources. You've really made our time here a lot easier - thank you, and we wish you all the best in your respective futures.
If anyone recognises any problems with the items outlined on this page, or would like us to remove one of the utilities mentioned, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We would be more than happy to solve these issues for you.
License Notices
Copyright (c) 2013-2016
MIT License
Once logged in, you'll see this in the dropdown menu for your notifications. Also, we use this to display use cases on the main info page.
A carousel generation library.
Copyright (c) 2007, Scott Schiller (
BSD License
This is used for the notification sounds you'll hear once logged in.
A javascript library for organising and playing sounds and providing better cross-browser support.
Copyright (c) 2019 Daniel Eden
MIT license
We used this for a handful of the animations that you see once logged in to our software.
A pure css library that can provide complex, smooth animations with minimal effort.
Copyright © 2019 Gion Kunz
MIT license
This is used to display user stats in our settings pages. Thoroughly impressed at the ease of use a light-weight nature of this utility.
A modern solution to plotting graphs on websites.
Copyright (c) 2016, Code Yellow B.V.
Internet Systems Consortium license
We use this in almost all of our graphs and charts.
An optional addon for chartist. This provides nice looking legends for chartist displays.
Pixabay license
One of David's svg backgrounds is used in our interface, and can be seen in the background of some "missing resource" pages. These were a welcome addition, to brighten up some areas of our software while keeping the performance cost to a minimum.
A content creator on Pixabay, with a collection of SVG based images.
Copyright (c) <2015>
MIT license
Our gallery and image preview functionality is provided by iv-viewer.
A javascript utility for creating highly responsive image viewers.
jQuery UI
Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
MIT License
Used for the date-picker that pops up when you're filling in the filters on active and archived log pages.
A jQuery addon which provides wide support for various UI tools.
Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
MIT License
Used widely throughout our JavaScript code.
A highly adaptive JavaScript library for increasing device compatability and ease of development.
Material Icons
Apache License 2.0
This is scattered everywhere throughout TechLogs. It was an absolute godsent for making our systems more intuitive to use. Big thanks to everyone involved.
A clean and compatible, SVG based icon pack.
Pixabay License
We used this to show off how our software works on multiple screen sizes on our main information page.
A photographer on Pixabay. Nick has produced lots of useful stock photos.
Sweet Alert 2
Copyright (c) 2014 Tristan Edwards & Limon Monte
MIT license
This is used throughout our software to provide notifications, such as when user's submit forms or save changes to work.
A javascript library to easily create nice-looking, non-intrusive alert boxes.
Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is used for our email editing pane.
A fully featured and open source rich text editor.